29 Ekim 2019 Salı

CHAPTER 6 - Grounding Efforts of a Dreamer

A hidden childhood trauma is any experience that presents the child’s mind with a stimulus too powerful to be assimilated in a normal way. This stimulus results in the child experiencing a state of helplessness and the subconscious mind taking over the system by blocking the memory from processing as normal.

But this protective action doesn’t come without its consequences. And this interference into the psyche of the child by turning on the survival mode beginning from the very early stages of his life generates a very particular type of behavioral pattern in his future. It creates a threshold where the child has a hard time establishing a base of normality in his life therefore starts to gradually retreat from the real world to safer alternatives like dreams, books, and films; or not so safer ones like stimulants, alcohol and drugs.

Furthermore, this tendency of escaping the reality makes them even more vulnerable to the unrealistic messaging of the commercial film industry. They tend to unconsciously buy-in to the distorted fictional identities and relationships that they regard as ideal; and connect in a deeper level with the idealized goals and messaging that they have been constantly exposed through their environment.

And not so surprisingly, most children with hidden childhood trauma, later in life, describe the period around their age of 25, as their darker moments in their lives; at which time they leave their families and get out to the real world where for the first time they realize that the fantasy and the promise of a normal life that they were aspiring simply wasn't there like it was in the movies. Coincidentally this is usually the same time that they recollect their hidden memories from their childhood and either start to drown in it with recurring bad patterns or start to dive with it and begin the process of healing.

This is the story of a hidden childhood trauma survivor who, one day out of nowhere, witness his life unraveling after recalling the worst memory from if its childhood. Suddenly he realizes that everything he believed in for his entire life and the hole inside of him that he was trying to fulfill all along was simply an unreachable, imaginary and brilliantly crafted marketing strategy created by the commercial film industry and television.

This is the grounding efforts of a dreamer… An attempt to find one’s true self and re-learn how to live with as an adult with new ground rules. This is a journey of healing the pains of a trauma, cleaning the subconscious mind and creating a road-map on how to reverse engineer the obnoxious behavioral patterns that the commercial film industry carved into our minds.

personal works: http://boraomeroglu.com/

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